You Should be Here with Me

Created by Alema 3 years ago
Flight booked for Tuesday 17 August 2021, Manchester(GB)-bound you were

Preparing to reunite with yours truly, a host of daughters-in-law, grand children, friends and other family members 

Alas, unbeknownst to me was another aircraft prepared for you 

On Monday 23 August 2021, you caught a flight so different to that which we had prepared for you 

One tended by angels as pilots, co-pilots and crew members 

By that fateful Monday morning, upon His beckoning to you, you skulked to be with your maker

You should be here with me and it saddens my heart that you aren't!

But then again, thankfully, you are here with me, always and forever in my heart.

I know I’ll see you again, for if in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.

